Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, September 23, 2011


I don't know about you all, but this has felt like a LOONNNNNG week!  Maybe it was work, maybe it was not feeling great, maybe it was the weather...I don't know, but it felt long!  The day started off fast, but then it felt long too.  I actually started the day pretty sick.  I am always nauseas at night, but lately I have been feeling it during the daytime hours as well.  I never really actually "get sick" per say, but I feel pretty lousy when it comes on.  Well, today had me running off to the restroom as soon as I forced myself to eat breakfast.  I really am struggling with not feeling too hungry in the mornings, so I've been making myself eat to help me feel better, but today it did not.  I soon was feeling better and was able to eat lunch though, but now I'm just so tired!  On an exciting note though, you could actually kind of see my little bump today!  Yes, I still just look chubby, but there's definitely a small protuberance now! Watch out world, here we come!  Bahaha

I hope your week has found you well and wonderful...
Here are a few highlights from ours:
*our shows starting back up...yesssss!!!  We LOVE Modern Family, Survivor, the Middle, How I Met Your Mother, NCIS, Parks and Rec, and the Office
*Bridesmaids on DVD (seriously, the BEST movie ever!)
*having Cathryn come over to hang out with us yesterday
*a student who never hugs me back, actually return a squeeze (his mom says this is HUGE!)
*getting to see Rachel at a training (I was her babysitter when I was in high school and now she is a teacher here in Fayette County!)
*sharing new ultrasound pics
*having a little bump
*talking and catching up my former teammate, Sandy, last night!
*catching up with Jen today from my old school about her pregnancy
*catching up with Brandy...she is so thoughtful and supportive and so helpful!
*getting a special "thank-you" giftcard to Babies-R-Us from Jason and Christie (it's our very first baby themed gift!)
*looking forward to time with Beth and Kody this weekend
*talking with some very supportive parents
*realizing that Fall Break is only 2.5 weeks away! 

We hope you have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I loved seeing you, and I love getting to know all about your life with the blog :)
