Just LOOK at THIS precious face!!! |
this smile warms my heart :) |
he's Flirty McFlirterson - LOVES pretty girls :) |
too cool for school! |
the sweetest smile in the whole world - and yes, sadly, he IS indeed losing his hair :( |
We've been up to a lot lately and it's because of several reasons: Papaw's 60th birthday & Redneck Weekend, Daddy's first Father's Day, Uncle Roo finally being in from China for an extended visit, and the Banker family being out of the country.
we've been such busy bees, our little froggy here is worn out! |
...aaaand, apparently someone has found his fingers again |
we have a thumb/ finger sucker....ahhhh! |
Banker Family Travels and Uncle Roo's visit...
I hadn't shared on here that Jackbaby's Nanny, Poppy, and Prissy were on a cruise through the Caribbean to Mexico, Honduras, Belize, etc. because well, that was my ENTIRE family! What if something had happened to them, or what if the wrong person stumbled across my post and knowing my whole fam was gone, took it upon him/herself to pay a little uninvited visit to the house with malicious and vindictive motives?!? Scary! Now that they're safely home, I can inform you that Jack and I had the task of house/ flower/ pool sitting- so each day, we'd head over to the Banker residence and he'd nap while I tended to all of the flowers around the pool, yard, and house and I'd also do various pool and house chores. They were gone almost 2 weeks and to say my heart was heavy with feelings of anxiety, sadness, longing, and concern is a significant understatement! I haven't been that long without them...well, ever! And all of them at the same time (Shawnee was at his Dad's during their trip too). Also, they were on this cruise with someone I have been missing more than anything and absolutely DYING to see...my BIG BUB, ZACH!!!! He and his wife, Amanda, have been living in China for over a year and we haven't seen them in almost 2. I just couldn't wait for him to FINALLY meet his new nephew and the same for Jack meeting his Uncle Roo (when Cathryn was little, she could not say, "Zach-a-roo" as we call him) so that was adding to my anxiety about their safe return too. Well, they returned safely (all praise be to God!), had a GREAT time on their trip and our reunion was awesome! Uncle Roo and Baby Jack finally met and they are already crazy about each other! While the weather did not cooperate for a "family pool day" (my very most favorite thing ever), we still had a great Father's Day spending time with family at the Banker house and BigBob (Poppy) got him fancy some new TOMS from his Lil' Bob :)
As expected, Jackbaby is already crazy about his Uncle Roo |
Jack's Father's Day get-up |
Father's Day...
On the note of Father's Day, I think (well, I know) B had a great one...he sure got a fantastic gift if I do say so myself...and toot my own horn while I'm at it
:) For B's bachelor party, he and his guys stayed at a house in Wrigleyville in Chicago as B is a DIE-HARD & crazy Cubs fanatic, but he hasn't actually been in to Wrigley field since he was a kid. Thus, Jack got his Daddy FRONT ROW behind HOME-PLATE TICKETS to the Cubs vs. Cardinals game in September!!! We are flying to Chicago for a long weekend in one of B's favorite cities!!! He was absolutely PUMPED! Also, if you know me, you know I HATE suspense...so if I know I'm getting a present, I have to know what it is. The same can be said about me GIVING a present too...I get so excited when I know the person is going to love it that I have to give it to that person immediately. Thus, I ordered the Cubs tickets 9 days before Father's Day and that is when B got them. Hahaha! He also got four Polo Classic Knits (in colors he actually does not have), blue gingham Polo shorts, four Polo t-shirts (his favorite! And in colors he actually does not have either), and a new Cubs t-shirt that he's been talking about getting forever.
we had a photo shoot for Daddy! |
I love, love, loooooooooove this picture!!! |
3 generations of Thomas males! |
Jack, Daddy, and Papaw on Father's Day 2012 |
Jackbaby lookin' too cute on Father's Day at Nanny and BigBob's |
Papaw's 60th/ Redneck Weekend...
B's Dad (Jack's Papaw) turned 60 on Friday, June 15th. They were already coming in town for the annual Redneck Weekend with the Blanks, Stones, Morels, and Thomases so it just made it even better. Redneck Weekend is an annual event where the families listed above get together (they are very old friends, going waaaaaay back) and drink beer, play cornhole, swim, eat, and just act crazy (well, redneck!) together. It. is. a. blast! B's family all stay with us, so before they all got here, I decorated our house in 60th bday celebratory get-up. I also made pon buttons that said, "Dan-o is 6-0" for everyone to wear on Saturday while partying, gave silly string to the kids in which to douse Dan, AND made him this little ditty to wear for allllllllllll to have no doubt as to what he was dealing with in the age department...
Back |
front |
this pretty princess had a wee-bit much fun! |
Kylie and me at Redneck Weekend! |
Our niece JilliBean (Jack's cuzzie) and me at the start of Redneck Weekend, which was celebrating Papaw's Birthday on Friday! |
JilliBean LOVES her Baby JackJack! |
Jack and his "Aunt Amy" at Redneck Weekend! He absolutely ADORES her! |
the birthday boy got doused in silly string upon his arrival |
Happy Birthday, Papaw! |
well...not everyone liked the silly string... |
can't miss the b-day boy in THIS shirt! hahaha! |
Jackbaby's first time in the pool...SUCCESS! |
my boys <3 |
father/ son pooltime |
Kylie Paige and Jackrabbit |
Hahaha! We had a GREAT time and it was wonderful spending time with such great families and people so near and dear to our hearts.
Here are some other recent pictures of our Jackman...
is this not the CUTEST shark you've EVER seen?!? Thanks, Aunt LoLo!!! |
he has never loved anything more than he does this chair...it is PRECIOUS! |
so inquisitive about this chair...he LOVES it! |
he gets so, soooo excited about it EVERYTIME we put him in it |
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