Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, December 9, 2012

So I have... EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD NIECE.  Um...yeah.  Like, whoa.  Wowza.  Yikes.  Does that freak me out?!?  Holy moly, YESSSSSSS!!!  Not in a bad way freak me out, but in the way that she is growing up grown up and she's more of my best friend now than she is my niece.  Cathryn has ALWAYS been like a little sister to me because my parents have raised her since she was 3, but she has blossomed into so many more things to me now.  She is the first person I've known since the literal moment of her birth up until present day and I have to admit, I am in awe of the woman she has become!  Cathryn (MY Prissy) is gorgeous inside and out, and I consider myself so lucky to be able to be her "Aunt B".  I cannot wait to see where life takes us next.  Like I said on my Facebook status today which sums it all up pretty well...

On this day, 18 YEARS ago, I sat in a hospital waiting area while I listened to my sister scream every obscenity she could think of. Anxiety, apprehensiveness, but mostly happiness shook my frame, while love was absolutely exploding from my heart and radiating around us. My baby niece entered the world at approximately 4:31PM and my life has since been better and all that much more wonderful bec
ause of her. I cannot imagine life before you or even without you for that matter, Cathryn Ann Banker. Not only are you my baby niece, you are my little sister, my sunshine, my confidante, an amazing "aunt" to my son, and my best friend. I am truly in awe of you and the WOMAN you have become. I've never been more proud of you and felt more blessed than the moments with you by my side. HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY, sweet Prissy girl...I love you more than words could ever adequately describe!
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Anyway, today, we had our usual family lunch that we always do for birthdays.  The birthday guy or gal gets to pick the restaurant and then we all head out, enjoying time with each other and celebrating the birthday boy/ girl.  Cathryn has ALWAYS loved Red Lobster so off we went!  Except this year, we had one extra family member accompanying itty bitty, zestful, animated little critter we refer to as the Toots-man...the one, the only, Mr. Jack Robert Thomas.  And lemme tell ya, he did NOT disappoint.  He was right in on the action and it was sweet of Cathryn to share her day and her spotlight with him.  Since she is more like a little sister to me, than my niece, she is "Aunt Prissy" to Jack, not just Prissy.  He ADORES her to say the very least.  Seriously.  Here are some pics of our little fam get together...I'm pretty interested in seeing how the pics of her friend get together is...okay, maybe not.  Tee-hee...anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRISSY!!!  Uncle Brad, Jack, and I love you more than words!
Hims wuvs his Prissy :)

He's Prissy' boy!

THAT face.  He's seriously stop and pose when he saw my camera light.  Yeah, he knows what's up.

See?!!?  Camera lights...he's ready for ACTION.  

Priss had quite the handy little helper, indeed

that's my blue-eyed babe right there!

he loves to "read

part of her present from the Thomases.

Etsy is the bomb dot com, yo!

she got her precious new laptop bag!

"umm, Prissy, what's a laptop bag?  Furthermore, what's a laptop?!?"

story of his life right there...Jack Thomas: Thumbsucker M.D.

two of my very most favorite people in the entire world!

her DELICIOUS cake!  Peppermint stick and dark chocolate ice cream blizzard cake.  Amaze.

"you checkin' out my BOOOOTY?!?  Well, you should be."

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