Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, October 17, 2011

13 weeks!!!

I am officially finishing the first trimester and heading into the second...YAAAAAY!!!  I am so excited to have more energy...I want my energy to match my mood :)
He's going to be such a great "big" cousin to Baby T!  Shawnee LOVES babies :)

How I'm feeling...
My body, however, apparently wants to ensure that I suffer through every last second of this last bit of the first trimester because I have been feeling pretty lousy.  Monday and Tuesday nights of last week, I went to bed around 6PM.  THAT is NOT how I want to spend the time with my husband that I've waited all day for!  Then, Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday nights, I was very, very sick...and got sick rather forcefully at that.  Yes, yucky! 

After getting sick last night, I started having sharp, shooting pains in my lower abdomen that lasted through the night and into the morning when I got up and was getting ready for school.  Since they were still there and unlike anything I'd had thus far in the pregnancy, I called the doctor's office and the on-call doctor thought it would be wise to come in.  Thus, I had to get a substitute (which I'm trying to avoid as much as possible in order to save days for time with the baby) and had to wait 4 agonizing hours until I could get into the doctor's office (not agonizing pain, but agonizing because I am a worry-wart and was streeeessssssing, to say the least!).  Thankfully, everything was fine and the doctor seems to think it is related to a bladder condition I have where the lining of the walls is deteriorating and Baby's "little nook" is pressing against it, causing the sharp pains. I got to hear Baby's fast heartbeat and it was the sweetest sound I've ever heard!  I am cherishing every single one of these magical moments with my precious little one!

So, now onto the baby!  Out of nowhere, I am showing!  I actually have a baby bump..yay!  I know every woman and every pregnancy is different, but now I'm wondering, am I showing too much?  Ahh!  Baby T is out in full force!  
I feel huge all over...not just in the bump vicinity...and I know I have  A LOT of growing left to do...ahhh!!
Cravings/ Aversions
Nothing, really!  I haven't been wanting to eat too much because I haven't been feeling great, but apparently I've been getting SOMETHING down because I was +3 lbs at the doctor today...the first pounds I've gained in the pregnancy and I feel like they're showing everywhere!  I AM back on a cereal kick...especially "Rice Krispie Treats" cereal...I literally crushed a box in about 2 days!
Sluggish and exhausted :(  BUT...happy as a clam about anything that comes my way!  Let's keep the small potatoes small and work through the bigger issues on deck, here people!  
The 13th week means that Baby is about 3 - 3.5 inches long which is about the size of a peach, but weighs only about as much as an eighth of an ounce. By now, baby's head has been proportionally larger than the rest of the body, but around this time, Baby's body is starting to catch up and grow more proportional to the head.  Baby's motor skills are starting to work and he/she is able to move and flex the arms and legs!  Baby's intestines are also in for some big changes right now.  Up till this point, they've been growing in a cavity inside the umbilical cord, but now they're moving to their permanent (and more conveniently located) address, which is in his/her abdomen.  

Also developing this week are Baby's vocal chords!  Fingerprints have also formed on its tiny fingertips!  Veins and organs are clearly visible through his or her still-thin skin!

Look who I got to hang out with today after my flu shot...Baby's cousin, Shawnee!
Thanks for reading!
We LOVE you!
Abs, B, and Baby T

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