well, our little shark man met solid food yesterday and it has been interesting, to say the least! He most definitely did not know what was about to hit him and seemed to be baffled by the change in texture...ha! It is obvious that it will take some time for him to adjust to his new way of eating. I was unaware that babies thrust their tongue out initially to eat, so learning to eat solid foods is a process in training the tongue to go back in the throat. For the next several weeks, we will be introducing new foods to our little guy and I am just praying all goes well and he gets acclimated as soon as possible!
Here is the video of his very first bite of solid food (I had to take the video myself as I was feeding him because it had to happen while B was at work and thus I wanted to send it to him so that he wouldn't miss out on the experience)...
We have decided that we will be making Jackman's food as well. There are many reasons why, but we really like knowing what all is in the foods that are going in our child's body. It's very healthy for him! Equally important, it is waaaaaaay cheaper! I did some research about them and then went to the grocery and made a list of all of the stage 1 foods. Then, I headed straight over to the produce and freezer aisles and stocked up on fresh and frozen goodies. I bought fresh apples, bananas, pears, and peaches, and family size frozen bags of: sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, peas, and green beans...ALL for around $12!!!!! Next, B bought me a "Baby Bullet Food Processor" and I simply boil the foods, mix with appropriate amount of water in the processor and voila, fresh food! Not to mention, I have
at least 2 months supply of food FOR LESS THAN $12! Can you believe that?!!!? ONE thing of baby food is usually round $1! I mean, it's a no brainer for us and I really enjoy making the food for our boo bunny! To store it, we make it and freeze it in special made ice-cube trays and then just pop them out and put the different foods in labeled ziploc bags in our garage freezer. So, soooooo EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY!
this is our very first batch...PEAS!!! This batch will feed him for over a week...hollllerrrr!!! |
Now, the hard part is getting him to like everything! Hopefully he will...I was quite the picky eater as a child (I outgrew it), and B is still pretty picky as an adult. Today, he was MUCH better than yesterday so I forsee it getting better and better with much practice and experience.
Now, I can't leave you without some of the most recent pics of our Toots man :)
he's so silly :) |
the cutest shark I've ever seen, if I do say so myself |
isn't this a typical man right here?!!? |
he knows what's up when Mommy puts him in this chair and well, he's NOT gonna have it! |
his Aunt Prissy got him this outfit for Christmas last year |
girls have ruffle butt booties, Toots has cows on the booty :) |
this was after his 4-month check-up |
the nurse gave him a sticker and while I hate that the shots hurt him, there's just something so precious about band-aids on a boo-boo :) |
precious babe :) |
Hey, baby Jack is too cute! I plan on making Sam's food too!! You'll have to post some step by step recipes... I would love to read them!!