It is so hard to believe that it started with 2 lines on a pregnancy test, and ended with this...
We are seriously the luckiest parents in the entire world and are absolutely ecstatic that HE..no wait, OUR SON is finally here! While I may be a mother with only 4 days experience to go off of, I can assure you that it is already the most rewarding and fulfilling experience of my life. Being a mother is the one thing I have always wanted to be, and now that I am one, I can safely say that it is an indescribable happiness and fulfillment in which no other can compare. I am absolutely smitten with my boy and LOVE being his mommy! Jackbaby is truly a blessing from God that we in no way feel deserving of! We certainly think our little guy is sensational and the best baby in the entire world and we have the best job ever in getting to be his parents!
**WARNING: LONG post ahead (sorry...so much to say! But hey, I AM a proud mommy!)**
Jack Robert Thomas was born on April 3, 2012 at 11:07a.m. (at Central Baptist Hospital) via caesarean surgery (c-section). It was a wonderful experience because B got to be there with me the entire time and I did not have to go through the pains and anxieties of a natural delivery process. I wholeheartedly salute you women who DO go through the natural delivery birth because I cannot imagine that experience...it actually gives me chills just thinking about it...absolutely terrifying! Admittedly (and shamefully), I am a weenie and scaredy-cat about THAT! With my c-section, I had my epidural/ spinal block and Jack was out within 10 minutes. I am no surgery rookie so when this became the best scenario for us to deliver this way, I happily obliged. Honestly, I had been secretly (or not so secretly?!!? hehe) wishing for it through the entire pregnancy. Like I said, I am no surgery rookie and have been through many (try 6!) in my abdomen area alone...plus, I HATE (and I stress, HATE) suspense! Delivering naturally would be too much suspense for me to bear and I would be on anxiety overload! No bueno, so this was the best (and most convenient) process for us. It was great and MOST convenient because my parents could PLAN to be there, Brad's parents could PLAN to be there, and B's sister (Jack's Aunt Sis) could PLAN to be there as well (she even brought Jack's cousin Spencer!)...no last minute phone calls to people in all parts of the state and surrounding areas for them to "hurry up and get here!" It eliminated all hassles, stress, and hurried last minute visits. Again, it was nice. Delightful, actually. No stress!
Anyway, onto our boy's birthday and other notes about him...
His BIRTHday:
Jack weighed 6 lbs, 4 ounces at birth and was 19 1/4" long. He was born with a FULL head of jet-black hair and an EXCELLENT set of lungs...he was screaming and singing the blues early and for a while after he was brought into the world. B was able (in his scrubs...he was so stinkin' cute) to carry him out to the nursery window for all awaiting family to see and ooooooo and ahhhhhhhhh (yes, I am certain they did...I mean, just look at him, HOW could they NOT?!? bahaha) our precious boy! Then, my OB finished up the surgery and closing of my wound and sent me to recovery. Jackbaby DID have a few issues at first...his heart rate was very fast, and he wasn't getting all of the gunk out of his lungs so they were unable to bring him back to me at first...or for a while for that matter. I had only seen him for a few short minutes during the surgery when B was able to bring him to me and put him on my chest. Then, they whisked him away to the NICU and finished up with me. Once in recovery, my spinal block began wearing off, but I had yet to really "hold" my son and was in quite a bit of pain! My SENSATIONAL delivery nurse said she knew what would make me feel better and went and got Jack from the NICU for a bit and his Daddy so we could bond for the first time as a family. They still wanted to monitor him so we only got to visit for about 30 minutes and then they took him back again and I didn't get to have him in my arms for another few hours after that! It was torture!
I can assure you, the minute I did get to hold that precious angel baby in my arms for the first time was, without question, the MOST amazing moment of my entire life. I know I'm biased, but my baby is so beautiful. He, without question, is the most incredible thing ever and with holding him in my arms means I am holding everything. We had to stay in the hospital 3 nights, but got to keep Jackbaby with us as much as we wanted which was fantastic. People had told us from the get-go to send him to the nursery at night so we could get some good rest while the nurses tended to him. That made perfect sense to us, so we did it, but not without separation anxiety and mother's guilt on my part. I just couldn't bear to think of him with those other babies and not being the complete center of attention that I knew he'd be with me. However, those worries soon subsided and we had NO issue having him head out for a bit and come back to nurse with me. Breastfeeding is going very, very well and I am so happy that it is. I had expected it to be somewhat of a trouble for me (as most things typically are...I seriously, never get the "easy road" with anything - there's always complications or something is bound to go wrong because that is just my luck) but much to my surprise (and delight I might add), it is going GREAT! I love that time with my boy and the bonding experience we are getting from it.
Our boy...
Looks EXACTLY like his Daddy. It is something crazy. I told Brad that he should be pretty pleased with himself and his DNA...because it certainly is a force to be reckoned with!
Jack is such a snugglebug. He seriously LOVES to be held and LOVES when people fuss over him. He is a total lovebug! He also loves...and I mean, L-O-V-E-S LOVES his hands. It's funny because in every single ultrasound he had his hands up by his mouth...well, now that he is in the outside world, there they are again! He ALWAYS HAS to have them up by his face and even when we swaddle him TIGHT, he will work them up and out of the blanket/ wrap. I tried yesterday to put some gloves/ mitt thingys on them so he wouldn't scratch his beautiful angel baby face, but he looked at me like, "Ummmm...no, try again mom" and off they went. He is always very content, very calm, and very happy. He is mild-mannered and "go with the flow", and is just very "chill"...a calm, cool, and collected little guy! The ONLY thing that gets our little guy upset is being cold. He HATES it with a fire-burning passion. Since he is super skinny, there is obviously no "chunky monkey" fat yet on his little body, so no extra padding to warm him up. Thus, diaper changing and clothes changing can get a bit dicey...B and I have to do it so fast, it seems as if we are on a gameshow!
I will leave you with pics galore (only from my iPhone for now and until I get all the other great pics from my camera uploaded) of our precious miracle so you can enjoy the face that brightens and enriches our lives every second of every day! There's some pics of some visitors too (but most are on my camera - uploads of those to come soon!)
this was Thursday - they brought him in from the nursery and he was bright-eyed and bushy tailed and so alert! |
"You talkin' to ME?!?" |
"no more pictures, Mommy!" |
looking at his Daddy :) |
taking in the sights of the world around him |
a big boy in his car seat! Ready to go home! |
his very first car ride! Being the worry-wart I am, I of course sat in the back |
snoozin' in the sunlight |
The most precious little wildcat fan ever! |
our first family photo - PLEASE excuse and disregard my complete FOULNESS - this was right after surgery |
looking EXACTLY like his Daddy here! |
meeting his Nanny for the very first time |
a few hours old here :) |
in his "SwaddleMe" Seriously...best thing ever for swaddling those moving limbs! |
"I'm hungry, Mom!" |
laying on Mommy's chest - his (and MINE) very most favorite time - we both seriously LOVE this time! |
our sweet angel baby |
Daddy Braddy! |
Aunt Beth and Uncle Kody |
he is quite possibly, the proudest big cousin ever! |
seriously NEVER wants to put him down! |
such a big helper! Mom said he could not wait to come over and visit with Sweet Baby J |
Shawnee LOVES his Jackbaby! |
this is their first meeting and it was so stinkin' precious how very excited Shawnee was to meet him and hold him! |
so proud :) |
an EXCELLENT "big" cousin! |
happiness :) |
making silly faces! |
I have TONS of other pics to share and will do so once I get them all uploaded from my camera. Several were taken by the anesthesiologist during the birth (and are funny!) and many are of special visitors that came to see our boy so I cannot wait to share them!
Congrats! God is good all the time! If you ever need a Mother's Helper Elise would love to help.