Today, our Little Boo is 2 weeks old! To commemorate the milestone, we went to the doctor! Truth be told, I was a bit nervous about going because Jackbaby had to be back up or beyond his birth weight or we'd have to start supplementing to my breast milk...well, Mommy need not worry so much because Bubby-Wubby has gained almost 1 pound and 1 inch in only 1 week! Wowza!!! Yaaaaaay! It was such a pleasant surprise because I was seeing that clothes are just still so, so BIG on our so, so little guy, but it seems he is a growing, growing boy! Cue the sadness, he's already growing up...tear =..(
STATS - Jack Robert, week 2:
Weight: 6lbs, 11 oz. (up 14 oz. from one week ago!) 10th percentile
Height: 20 inches (up 3/4" from one week ago!) 50th percentile
Head: 34cm - 10th percentile
LOVES: his hands! getting a bib put on (our hungry boy realizes that this means it is time to eat); Mommy and Daddy (yay!); being loved on by all; laying in his activity gym; eating!
EATING: our growing boy has already become such a terrific eater! I am almost fully pumping now so he's only getting breastmilk, but we switched to just the pumping so we can monitor how much he's eating (he was passing out incredibly quickly while breastfeeding and we couldn't keep him awake, nor fully ensure he was getting enough) and also so Daddy and Nanny and others can help Mommy. With this, we see that Boo is eating
at least 3-4 ounces every 2-3 hours. Like I said, he's eating well! Go Jackbaby!
SLEEPING: Jack is also developing a little schedule - we're up 2 times a night to feed and if we change his diaper and swaddle him back up before eating, he is back down to sleep as soon as he's done. He usually wakes up around the same times too: between 1:30-2 and 4:30-5. Then, we wake up at about 7-7:30 to see Daddy off to work and feed again and then go back to bed until 9:30-10 which is a HUGE help to Mommy's sanity with rest! We are now trying to push back the 1:30-2 (first) feeding as much as possible to eventually get to sleeping through much of the night. Now that Daddy is back to his routine with work, he is helping me with a feeding in the night so I'm not so exhausted with it all.
big boy in my OWN bed in my OWN room! |
I woke up from a nap one afternoon and my parents had put this with Jack as he was napping. B got this for Boo and I love how my parents made it look like they are buddies having a "little chat" |
HE did this to himself - got the blanket off, etc... |
PERSONALITY: Jackbaby is so, so calm, mild-mannered, and easy-going. He is seriously such a great baby! Even the doctor and the ladies at our doctor's office commented over how tremendous he is which makes us so proud and so happy! They gushed over how very, very lucky we are. I just keep wondering how did WE get this lucky to be so blessed with such a great baby? He does not whine, he rarely cries out (unless he's cold or seriously hungry and that's even subsiding), and he's just nothing like I anticipated him to be or feel deserving of. You hear horror stories (especially tales from my own family) of babies crying all the time, and our boy is just very, very low-maintenance. I hope it stays! We love our sweet, sweet baby boy!!
yea, we think it's stinky too! |
this was after the second bath - looking MUCH better! |
happy baby! |
FIRSTS: bath (he was less than pleased, to say the least); sleeping in crib (his OWN bed and Mommy in hers...yessssss!); walk around our neighborhood; pictures with a photographer (newborn pics with Aunt LuLu); outing to Target and BuyBuy Baby with Nanny and Mommy; outing to lunch at FiveGuys with Nanny and Mommy (Jack slept through the entire thing!); wearing a 0-3months outfit!
this was after THE bath (he looks like "ET"!) |
clearly traumatized by that first bath experience - ha! |
"don't make me so cold, Mommy!" |
Target/ FiveGuys outing - he was NOT to be bothered...ha! |
CLOTHES: newborn still but we are wearing a few 0-3 months...they are quite large, but we're rolling with it!
PARENTS: B and I are adjusting to life with another life we're responsible for! I would not let him get up with Jack last week when he went back to work and I quickly became exhausted, so this week, he has started taking the first feeding and it is helping me (and my sanity) so, so much! We are talking about that we think we're ready to get out and have a date night next week while Jack stays with Nanny and Poppy...yay!
MOMMY MOMENT: Jack was upset the other day and as soon as he was passed off to me, he was alllll melted my heart! Mama also had her first adult beverage the other day at Holden's was DELIGHTFUL!
sleeping on Mommy :) |
"the BEST hug EVER!" |
FUNNY MOMENT: Jack HATED his first bath because he was so cold and well, he peed alllll over our bathroom mirror! HA! Then, on our second go-round, he was MUCH better and had no fussing until getting lotion and dressed time (he was cold), so Daddy was trying to comfort him, and he peed on him! Ha again! So much fun :)
FUN FACTS: Jack's belly button fell off in the middle of the night on Sunday! It's kinda looking like he's going to have an "outie" and it's precious! This week, Jack met Katie (Uncle Cheeks' fiance)! He also got his video monitor so he can sleep in his own bed in his own room which is OUTSTANDING! Mom and Dad had absolutely ZERO issue with having him sleep in his room!
Bubby-Wubby (or Bubba-Wub)
Little Boo (or just, "Boo")
WHAT'S ON OUR SCHEDULE: Daddy is off to a USBank event this weekend in Louisville so Jack and Mommy will be at Nanny and Poppy's; getting our birth announcements in order; Mommy has a check-up on Friday and Jackbaby will be attending; Jack gets to meet some of Mommy's friends from work :)
my sweet angel baby :) |
we take daily pics for Daddy to send to him while he's at work - this is what we got one afternoon - love them! |
playing in my gym! - and mealin' on my fingers! |
"well, hello Mr. Lion...maybe we can be friends?" |
"okay, well, i'll tell you a secret..." |
"you aren't my friend?!?" |
and we're good! |
tummy time! |
love that smile! |
napping after our walk! |
a small glimpse of what we did for newborn pics - I snapped this on my phone |
Aunt LuLu's are MUCH better and this is just a preview of something from his newborn pic that I snapped on my phone! |
Mickey ears! These were a gift from Aunt Beth and Uncle Kody (Uncle DumDum) who just got back from a trip to Disney! We LOVE them and our stuffed "Goofy"! Thank you so much! |
sleeps like Daddy :) |
always a content boy! |
Hudson HATED being cold as well. We bought a small heater to put on his changing table to turn on after baths, and during diaper changes. It made such a difference, he LOVED it.