Yesterday, Jack experienced his
first second Easter! While this was technically his second, it was really his first...of somewhat cognizance, that is. Last year, he had NO cognizance because he was mere days old. THAT is an Easter I'll NEVER forget.
FLASHBACK: I had just had Jack the Tuesday before (4/3) and we had just been discharged on Friday (4/6). That Saturday, however, we had barely been home a mere 24 hours trying to establish our new family of 3 in our home base when things took a major turn for the worse... within 15 minutes, I had a fever that escalated from a low-grade 99 all the way up to a concerning 104 and B had to rush me back to the hospital where I stayed for days...and days...and days (seemingly so) getting pumped full of antibiotics. Round.. after round... after round ...after round (a cycle of 12 total - yikes!). Meanwhile, the doctors scratched their heads and I was in sweet
baby newborn boy was away from his Mommy in those crucial first bonding days and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me - except that my pesky fever wouldn't go away (no, it wasn't mastitis). It was agony on many levels.
the morning after our very first night home (Friday - 4/6/12) |
The following are all from Jackbaby visiting Mommy in the hospital. Look at our skinny little, knobby-kneed tiny 5lbs, 14oz. of baby love booger!

HOWEVER, I survived and got released with a clean bill of health (obviously so). It was the first of many endeavors that we'll get through as a family together and if that's the worst thing that'll happen, then hey, we're doing great! It was exceptional practice for trying tests a few months ago as well. ANYWAY, Jack had his first real Easter yesterday, celebrating the rising of our Lord Jesus where he should be: in church with part of his family and then home for a delicious lunch and then the commencing of the commercial aspect of Easter: baskets (which we love too!!!). Jack had an exceptional time exploring his basket here at home, his at NanNan and Poppy's, and his from Mamaw and Papaw (he got a new fire truck!) as well. He also fancied himself a search of many a fine folks' baskets too, loving those eggs that made all that noise (has jellybeans or emmmmy-emmmms in them). What also must be noted is that many a young kiddos get removed from church for being fussy or "bad". Ours? Noooooo. Oh no siree, he sat there like a little gentleman through all the songs, loving on his Poppy and being passed around to the fam. Then, he decided he needed to chat up all the peeps around us during the sermon. He may look like his Daddy, but he most definitely has a Banker mouth...ha! We had a good laugh over our social little butterfly and Jackman had one stellar
first second Easter!
Here are some pics to show what a difference one year can make...Ummmm...WOWZA!
Laughing with my babe:) |
sitting like a little gentleman, waiting for Easter dinner :) |
Thomas Family - Easter 2013 |
someone had to have an outfit change.. |
He wore the outfit below in the weeks leading up to Easter - a pre-Easter outfit, if you will :)
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