Most people are aware that March Madness is quite possibly my very most favorite time of the year...aside from the holidays and my birthday, of course. I just feel it not only divvies up the monotony of the lackluster extended time from the bustling holiday season to summer break, but is just plain fun and exciting to say the absolute very least. There is seriously NOTHING better than vegging out and watching college basketball all. day. long. Nothing. Who cares if it's your squad or not? It's just great...plain, pure, and simple. I mean, it definitely doesn't hurt if your squad is kickin' ass and taking names too :)
But anyways...
The rivalry, the roaring of the crowds, the shattered egos of a squad that once was or certainly thought "they were", or even the fulfillment of dreams within a Cinderella story squad from a season that built up to that one "shining moment"...or just those very last seconds that come down to a plan built upon that one inbound pass conjure up feelings of anticipation and exuberance that I cannot get enough of...I. LOVE. IT. Every year, it's the same's all shiny and new and it never gets old, and just like the holidays, I always feel that it goes by far too quickly.
Now, UK may have made quite the piss poor showing this year so I need not divulge into any deets of remnants of a season that could've, should've, and would've...but didn't and should never (EVER) be spoken of again, so I'll digress and focus upon expressing my overwhelming excitement towards the next few weeks of college basketball that lies before us. Ahhh, I can just feel the goosebumps creeping up my spine and racking my frame as the echos of the roaring, chanting, taunting crowds ring in my ears already. Fun, fun, fun!!!!!!!!!
I cannot help but get a tad nostalgic, however, because at this very time last year I was fresh on my "modified bedrest" and Daddy Bob Banker was on babysitting Abby duty while B was at a Bachelor party weekend with his buddies. Ol Bobby and I hunkered down and did absolutely NOTHING but watched every last second of college bball possible while trying to keep me still, stable, comfortable, and Baby Jack cooking in his cozy
little ever expanding oven. This gets me thinking of how very different our life is now from what it was then. That Baby Jack that we so desperately worked to keep in his "spot" for a few more weeks is now a vivaciously hilarious, bouncing, thriving, entertaining wee-bit of a human being that is the pure joy of our days and light of our lives. Oh how March Madness has a whole new meaning of its own now. We certainly will be watching our college basketball games and keeping up with our brackets, but we will also be keeping up with our crazy little man and all that he has going on in his little world. He turns one year old 2 weeks from today and his birthday is 2 weeks from Saturday so oh my wordy how March Madness is truly a madhouse around the Thomas residence now. We have taken on the literal meaning of that mantra in every sense of the phrase and while we are loving life, we've all gone a bit "mad" for March! Ha!
He's so ready for the Easter Bunny this year! |
Tom Cruise better WATCH OUT, because our boy is ready for some "Risky Business" dance scene action...
Our child 100% absolutely KNOWS what to do when we cheer or say, "GO CATS!" See for yourself (below)...he knows what's up. He's too legit to quit. Real talk.
sweet, precious, sleepy babe |
SNOW DAY building with Mommy!!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!! |
This particular outfit WAS good luck for UK as we beat FLORIDA the day he wore it! |
our little skier :) Having a fake-out meltdown...his specialty. |
you take one look at this picture and try and tell me he doesn't look EXACTLY like his father. Go ahead and do it. |
same as before. I mean, it's not obvious at all that he is clearly his Daddy's spawn....ha! |
I also wanted to share that I do not know what gets you going in the mornings...okay, I probably do...a coffee? Espresso? A big gulp of Mountain Dew, Diet Coke, or something equally as caffeinated? Well, in addition to some caffeination what gets me going is the sweetness that follows below. I do not get to see my Toots boy before I leave for work because he is still sleeping. Then, his Daddy gets him up and takes him to his NanNan and Poppy's so since I do not get to see him, he and Daddy take pictures to send to me every. single. morning. And they literally make my day, every. single. day. Like, I seriously, SERIOUSLY LOVE them
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