I have been talking a lot about Christmas traditions and how we celebrate. Well, I left off one tradition. Albeit a new tradition, but 3 years now? I think we have something going...
B's family always has an awesome Thanksgiving celebration with many a Thomas family members and lots of food, beverages :), and fun. Thus, we head up to Indianapolis every year on the Wednesday before t-giving day and stay through Saturday or Sunday. Since we do that, I've given up Thanksgiving ON Thanksgiving with my family, so we celebrate Christmas ON Christmas with MY family. It's a trade-off and while it stinks to not be able to see BOTH families on such great holidays, we make the best out of what can do so it is most meaningful and most conducive to lasting memories. Thus, B's family has started coming to us on December 30th to do Christmas with us and celebrate New Year's. This year was no exception to this new tradition and we had a great time with amazing people!

Melva and Dan got here about 4 on Friday and we were able to do gifts with them before Brad's sister and her family arrived since they had already done Christmas together. It was nice to have some special downtime with just us 4 and allowing B to spend quality time with his parents. They are awesome gift givers...so thoughtful!
I LOVE taking pictures, but unfortunately, my camera bit the dust. Thus, they got me a new camera! YAY! I will most definitely need a new camera come Jackbaby time! They also gifted me with one of my perfumes of choice: Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue (it's been a favorite since college!), a new red peacoat, 2 new pairs yoga pants (um yes, don't think I don't wear these to work and pass them off as dress pants...hey, my tops cover any hit of them NOT being actual work pants!), Bath&Body Works body wash, an ornament, aaaaannnnd...a scarf from Lilly Pulitzer in the new Chi Omega print!
B got "Google TV", Nike AirMax 95s (throwbacks), a UK hoodie, a new Colts jersey for gamedays, a whopper of a Macy's gift card, boxers, pj pants, and other nifty necessities. See what I mean? They are such awesome and thoughtful gift givers! I also got a gift certificate to get 4D photos of Baby Jack done here in the next couple of weeks and I am so excited about it! I had mentioned it to Brad that I wanted to have them done and I guess he passed the message along!
Finally, Jack got some goodies too: Colts onesies, Colts pacis, a baseball rattle, Colts bibs, and an owl ornament for the tree next year that says, "I love Grandpa"...but here are our MOST favorite items for our little guy:
an owl picture to hang in his room...B says it's too girly, but the blue and green are good matches! |
a Cubs pillow pet! He is AWESOME and Brad could NOT be more excited about this!
On Friday night, we hung out with Brad's parents and his sister and her family. It's always so much fun being around Spencer (age 4) and Jillian (age 2)!
Saturday, B and I wanted to watch the UK game by ourselves (mainly because we don't like outside comments...AND I pout like a child when we're not playing the way I believe we should...losing a 15 point lead about set me over the edge!). After we won (thankfully!), Brad and Joe set up B's Christmas present from Cathryn and Shawn in the backyard since it was such a beautiful and un-new year's weather type day...it is a game called, "Big Birdie Golf" where you use a golf putter to swing at a golf ball with a birdie attached to it and try to land on a net on the opposite end to earn points. It's a lot like cornhole in that you have a partner that stands opposite from you and you both work to land your birdie on the net 25 feet away in order to score points for your team. It's different, but way fun and they had a blast. Check out some pics below...but please don't judge us by our neighbor's horribly tacky back porch and laziness to pick anything up!
After Big Birdie golf, we went and visited with our friends, the Blanks, who live a couple of streets over. We absolutely LOVE them more than words...they are THE BEST family: so much fun, so much love, and such great character in each person. B and I just need to go observe them to get lots of tips on raising children because theirs are OUT. OF. THIS. WORLD. No lie. Finally, it was time to begin our New Year's Eve celebration! Melva and Dan brought us HUGE steaks and crab legs, while Christi whipped up some awesome potatoes (a loaded mashed potato casserole) and delicious cookies. After dinner, we played with the kids and hung out, having a blast and enjoying each other. Although incredibly low-key and much different from many a rowdy out-and-about years past, it was so nice to ring in the new year surrounded by people we love more than words, enjoying each other and loving the company! We wouldn't have had it any other way!
Here are some pics from our New Year's Eve, taken on my NEW camera...
he's crazy |
he's such a great influence :) |
Spence-a-roo and JilliBean |
he's so silly :) |
ottoman acrobatics |
24 weeks tomorrow! |
tired after a lot of activity! |
horrible pic of us both, but Happy New Year 2012! |
guess what she's eating?!? |
she loves her some chips and dip! |
Big Birdie Golf |
Big Birdie Golf |
Big Birdie Golf |
Big Birdie Golf |
Learning the ropes of Big Birdie Golf |
Big Birdie Golf |
ottoman to couch acrobatics! |
JilliBean and her Mamaw |
she's a lover! |
I LOVE this picture :) |
sweet, sweeeeeet boy! |
Hope you had a terrific New Year's! See you for our 24 week update coming soon!
Happy 2012!
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