different locale...I'm in our upstairs hallway because I thought to have B take the pic as I was about to change clothes after work! |
How far along: 25 weeks, 2 days
Size of our little Jackrabbit: an eggplant! I do not buy eggplant, nor have I ever consumed one but these seem huge! So YAY Jack! Grow baby, grow!
Maternity clothes: I wore a maternity shirt today, but that is the first thing in a long time..well, unless you're counting my creative wear...bahaha, but seriously, I have been in normal clothes for the past week and no, not normal clothes bigger...normal clothes in general! That luxury is getting smaller and smaller every day. Literally.
Sleep: Sensationally! It has been so hard getting up this week! To be fair though, I have been setting my alarm for an hour earlier because I've had so much to get done at school..
Symptoms: NONE! YAAAAAAY!!! Guess WHAT?!? I have had some seriously annoying stomach issues that required a surgery or 2...okay, maybe 3? yikes! Anyway, I have medicine that I was prescribed to take basically every day for the next year (since the last surgery this summer) and then possibly the rest of my life, but stopped taking it once I got pregnant because I didn't think it would be good for Little Homie. Well, I found out that it is okay AND, I can also take my prescription strength Prilosec, which I wasn't sure about either and didn't even think to ask (I know...idiotic, yes? Let's go with the pregnancy stupids!). I have been taking it for 4 days now and I am happy to say that I (yes me, Abigail Banker Thomas) is HEARTBURN FREEEEEEE!!!!! And easy little Sunday morning. Hollllllllerrrrrrr!
Symptoms: NONE! YAAAAAAY!!! Guess WHAT?!? I have had some seriously annoying stomach issues that required a surgery or 2...okay, maybe 3? yikes! Anyway, I have medicine that I was prescribed to take basically every day for the next year (since the last surgery this summer) and then possibly the rest of my life, but stopped taking it once I got pregnant because I didn't think it would be good for Little Homie. Well, I found out that it is okay AND, I can also take my prescription strength Prilosec, which I wasn't sure about either and didn't even think to ask (I know...idiotic, yes? Let's go with the pregnancy stupids!). I have been taking it for 4 days now and I am happy to say that I (yes me, Abigail Banker Thomas) is HEARTBURN FREEEEEEE!!!!! And easy little Sunday morning. Hollllllllerrrrrrr!
Mood: Tired. Tired. Tired. I've been a little stressed this week and perhaps overly analytic? Who me?!? Noooooooo. BAHAHA. Pathetic as it may seem, the Sunday grumpies set in, but now I remember the Bachelor is back on and I perk up. Yes friends, the prospect of a stupid TV dating show gets me through the Mondays. Foul. Second, I caught a marathon of "Dance Moms" on this weekend and well, I am obsessed. Bad move on my part... again, but what can I say? It rocked my world.
While I have been tired, the kindness of others has really hit home with me this week. From the Blanks remembering B and me talking about our go-to meals at McDonald's and bringing us those EXACT things for dinner that night, to a student bringing in TWO sets of complete outfits and Mama and Baby Owl figures for Jack and Jack's room, to another student bringing me an owl ring to match hers, and to teammates at school who are so supportive and willing to help in any way...I just cannot get over the kindness and love going on around us. It really has inspired me to be THAT person to others as these have been to me!!! Thank you, everyone for being so amazing, we are lucky to have you in our lives!
Best moment this week: Dinner with my parents on Saturday and Lunch with the Blanks on Sunday...they're the best! B and I had just casually mentioned in passing at lunch our old faithful meals from McDonald's and do you know what happened? Amy showed up with that exact meal for dinner on Sunday...McFlurry with extra M&Ms and all! Seriously....like, I'm not even kidding. Sweetest, most thoughtful and genuine gesture ever! I need to pay attention more because that was talent right there. They really are the best family ever. Sweetest kids, most genuine interest in others, supportive, and awesome to be around are just some of the descriptive terms I could use for them...but I could go on and on and on!
Food cravings/aversions: sweets...again. I need to lay off of them!!! Also, Buffalo wings/ sauce per usual! Story of my life. I think this kid will come out and ask his Daddy and me for an order of Buffalo wings. Real talk.
What I miss/What I am looking forward to: a certain someone's 60th birthday is a month from Sunday and while I won't name names...yet...I am quite excited about giving HIM a hard time.
I am also looking forward to SuperBowl weekend when Lo and Katie are supposed to come and stay with me! YAAAAY! Jack needs to hear his Aunt Lo-Lo and Aunt K's voices!
Milestones: Jack's eyes, which have been closed for the past few months, (so that the retina, the part of the eye that allows images to come into focus, could develop)- are beginning to open. All this means is that he is able to see what's going on now (unfortunately, the view in there isn't all that exciting). However, the iris, which is the colored part of the eye, still doesn't have much pigmentation (that'll fill over the next month or two), so it's too early to start guessing his eye color.
Jack's brain-wave activity is kicking in at this stage in development, which means he can not only hear noises, but respond to them as well! He is almost 2 pounds and almost 14 inches long which is about the size of an eggplant or a large cucumber!!!
Belly button in or out: in still, but stretching...it's becoming more and more flat which means it will pop out eventually. I'm looking at my stomach and feel HUGE!
Sorry so long since the last post...I hope to get more on it in the next couple of weeks!
Love always,
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