THIS is what I keep getting. Grrrr. |
It has taken me a bit to post an update about sweet Baby Jack because one, we have been quite the busy bees...and two, I have been trying to work out issues with Facebook for the past several days and it's incredibly frustrating to say the least. I have been a Facebook user for almost 7-8 years now (however long it's been around) and suddenly, it is not letting me update my statuses from my iPhone or computer, post pics from my computer, post on someone's wall from my computer, OR post links to THIS BLOG from my phone or computer. I have sent numerous emails and continue to get the same asinine responses that provide NO relief or answers to my questions. Frustrated is actually NOT the word for me, I need something beyond it to describe how I'm feeling. I know it sounds so incredibly silly because it is Facebook, just a silly social website that we as a society completely overindulge in and put too much emphasis upon...BUT you have to remember, I have been on since it was invented (back then, it was ONLY for college students and you had to be affiliated through a collegiate domain and email address) so I have years and years and years of stored (and maybe incriminating) photos of my friends and me acting a complete FOOL in college; documentation of experiences we shared through posts, pictures, and conversations; and just loads of memories on the one site...and when you need help and there is nowhere to go, well, I want to pull my hair out! How does that affect THIS, the blog?? You not knowing we're here and have new things to share! Well, just please make it a daily or every other daily habit to check in with us! FB is how I usually alert everyone to a blog post or update so if you enjoy reading us and are not a follower, just continue to check back...okay?!? I feel like there is so much I'd like to keep everyone updated on, yet FB is putting a HUGE damper on my plans! GRRRRRRRRRrrrrrr baby...very, very GRRRRRRR!!! Sorry to unload, but I am way over it. It seems like such a simple fix, but of course, it's with EVERYTHING with me.Anyway, onto something that is NOT frustrating and is so, so, sooooo important: my precious (and oh so active) little man, doing somersaults inside me! We've had a busy week and Jack seems to be privy to that knowledge. I woke up Christmas morning to him kicking me was like he went with Santa to houses and helped him eat all the cookies, goodies, and him a sugar (and active) rush! Such a cool feeling, I enjoyed every single one of those 23798.41 kicks! They made me so giggly and excited and set the tone for Christmas morning! If he is this excited inside me...imagine how excited he'll be outside of me! Oh my goodness, I just cannot wait!
As I mentioned in the previous post, he got LOTS of fun stuff from Santa and his grandparents and aunts, and also got many delicious goodies fed to him. He did not have one single problem with anything I ate...hopefully this means, he will not be picky like I was when I was little...or like his Daddy is still very much to this day, and much to my frustration. It does encourage me to be incredibly creative, however, with food preparation as I have to reconvene OR "sneak" in stuff he "doesn't like" and just not ahhh hemmm...tell him about it! Oops, did I just share that out loud? I won't be telling him what those things are, though, he can just keep on eating them!
OOOOOPS...Forgot to take a 23 bump pic this week, so this pic will have to suffice |
How far along: 23 weeks, 3 days
Size of our little Jackrabbit: a papaya...again! OR a LARGE Mango!
Maternity clothes: Again, I wore normal clothes all week...BUT I'm having to get pretty creative with my outfits. I cannot wear skirts because they do not lay right, nor look right over my tummy...and I don't really wear too many pants as it is, so the dresses that do still fit, I have to get crafty with sweaters and tights or stretchy pants underneath. It's no biggie, but I am getting sad about all the dresses that are not currently fitting! As we were reorganizing, I can across pictures where I was much, much skinnier than I am now. I was sad at first, but I now realize I am going to use them as my drive to get back where I once was! Here are some of my motivational pics I'm going to post around my house to keep me driven towards my weight loss goal after Jack baby arrives!
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yes, the two-piece prom dress is oh-so-classy (hey, that was the style of short dresses are now!), and yes, it WAS 10+ years ago, BUT this is still an inspiration for me to work towards a body I once had |
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this was just on our only about 4 years ago! |
Sleep: Sleeping is not going so great for me these past several days. I guess I have jinxed myself after talking about how well it's gone because since Christmas Eve Eve, I have had LOTS of trouble falling asleep and then once I get to sleep, I wake up alot. I am also moving and tossing and turning a lot as well, which I was not doing AT ALL before. Now, I'll wake up on my back...ahhhh!!! Number one position a preggo should not fall asleep on because it can be bad for the baby. Since it takes a while to go to sleep, I have been waking up around 11ish this past week which is dangerous considering I have to get back on the work sleep schedule. Maybe I'm just too rested and sleep will come easier when I'm back in school and have it to wear me out?
Symptoms: Heartburn hasn't been as bad, thank goodness! I have been using everyone's suggestions, so thank you, thank you, thank you! I take Zantac more often AND drink some milk before bed which really seems to be helping! So now, my only symptom is the sleeping symptoms and some difficulty with my changing posture as I have been having pains in my lower back due the shift in excess weight all around my middle.
Symptoms: Heartburn hasn't been as bad, thank goodness! I have been using everyone's suggestions, so thank you, thank you, thank you! I take Zantac more often AND drink some milk before bed which really seems to be helping! So now, my only symptom is the sleeping symptoms and some difficulty with my changing posture as I have been having pains in my lower back due the shift in excess weight all around my middle.
Mood: Christmas put me in a better mood, so that's good! I was a bit moody yesterday after cleaning all day...I told B, I felt it was punishment for me to clean all I earned it for being off from work.
Best moment this week: Jack's Daddy FINALLY getting to feel him kick! It was absolutely the most wonderful moment! B was rubbing my belly and talking to Jack and all of a sudden, Jack gave him a HUGE jab! The look on Brad's face was absolutely PRECIOUS, while his excitement: PRICELESS!!! He was just so, so, sooooo excited and called his parents immediately to share the good news! I was relieved because I was so ready for him to feel what I've been excitedly experiencing for the past 2 weeks now. He felt him again last night...I think I wore Jack out yesterday with being busy cleaning and running errands all day so I wasn't feeling him much. Brad was having his usual nightly "tummy time" and Jack again kicked for Daddy!
ALSO, Jack's Nanny (my mom) felt him too! She was doing the same as Brad...rubbing my belly and talking to him and he kicked her too. She was so excited and I was too that others are getting to feel him in there!
Movement: He's been kicking so, so, sooooooo much and I am LOVING it! From the excitement on Christmas, to me just talking to him and him responding, I am just overwhelmed with happiness about his movements! I talk to him every morning and always get responsive movements. I love it!
Food cravings/aversions: Sweets, sweets, sweets, and other delicious treats, treats, treats! Christmas has done this little buddy and his momma reaaaaaaally good! There's not too much I don't want to eat...not really having ANY aversions to anything...which can be bad! Tonight, I'm going to Cheddar's with my team teaches and I could not be more excited about the "World Class Chicken Sandwich" which is probably the best ever! I literally consumer every. last. bite. of it! I love Cheddar's!
What I miss/What I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to visiting with B's AMAZING family this weekend for our 3rd annual hosting of the Thomas/ Morel clan for New Year's. What started as a convenience after a massive knee surgery, is now a tradition that we look forward to every year! I can't wait to have fun and hang out with Baby Jack's Mamaw, Papaw, Aunt Sis, Uncle Joe, and Cousings Spence-a-roo and JilliBean!
I'm also looking forward to seeing Jack ONE WEEK FROM TODAY for our 24 week checkup!
Also, my birthday is one week from tomorrow (January 6th) and I am receiving the best and most special, belated gift ever!
I AM missing the beverages of New Year's Eve, but I get to celebrate New Year's with the promise of a new precious angel and THAT alone, makes my year...hell, it makes the rest of my life! What a tremendous gift to be sent to us for 2012! I am just so overwhelmed with love, excitement, and hope for our little guy!
Milestones: Our skinny guy should be weighing more than a pound now and we'll be seeing exactly how much he does weigh at our appointment on the 5th. He's about 8.5 inches long which is the size of a standard letter...HA! My special delivery! His beautiful face is basically all formed now, but what's missing is baby fat that will pile under his skin eventually. Until those fat deposits are made, his tender little skin is still very transparent, which means a close look would allow us to see through him to all the organs, bone, and blood vessels. Fortunately, that see-through look won't last too much longer. Babies at Jack's stage, should gain about 6 ounces a week, with much of that gain coming from fat, in addition to growing organs, bones, and muscle. His respiratory system is also growing rapidly as lungs are developing in preparation for breathing and moving amniotic fluid in and out of those growing lungs.
And guess what? My little rocker in there is hearing all kinds of sounds on his stereo-system: air exhaling from my lungs, gastric gurgles produced by my stomach and intestines, my voice and his Daddy's voice, and even very loud sounds such as honking horns, barking dogs, or a wailing fire-truck (which we had two days ago in our neighborhood...eek!).
Belly button in or out: in still, but's becoming more and more flat which means it will pop out eventually. Crazy! B and I were talking about what a weird thing a belly button is! HA!
Have a tremendous weekend and New Year's celebration! Be sure to continue checking back with us on updates about our little guy and preparations for him! I should have a post about our Christmas and New Year's celebration with B's side of the family on Sunday! Happy 2012!
We are thankful for each of you in our lives!
Love always,
Brad, Abby, and Baby Jack
Some of my other "skinnyspirational photos"
Maybe I should rethink second trips through the food lineups?!?
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