Picture repeat |
picture repeat..sorry, my outfits this week haven't been documented...or they've been nothing to write home about |
Back on August 14th when a little stick showed me two lines (very much to our shock and overwhelming excitement!), I could only imagine myself being in this very spot...blogging and reflecting on the first half of my pregnancy. While some days weren't the best I've ever felt, this has been the single most exciting and rewarding experience of my life. I have absolutely loved every minute of being pregnant and cannot believe that we are now over halfway through! It's hitting home that in 20 short weeks, we will have the most special gift and blessing we have ever received. I absolutely cannot wait to meet our little guy ("little homie", as B calls him) and it's so exciting to see this dream becoming a reality! Oh Jack Robert, how we already love you so much it hurts...how we already have so many hopes and dreams for you...how we already have so many family plans with you...and how we already adore you more than words!
How far along: 20 weeks
Size of our little Jackrabbit: a cantaloupe...wow, does that seem HUGE all of a sudden?!?
Sleep: Sleeping like a lamb! I sleep snuggled up to one of my feather pillows on my left side and wake up in the exact same position, so I guess you could say I'm sleeping like a rock...ha! I am having some difficulty breathing at night, though...okay, not "some", A LOT! B's mom had me try some "Breathe Right" nose strips when we were at their house for Thanksgiving and they didn't work too well...but maybe I had them on wrong and should go back for a second round before I knock them out of contention?
Symptoms: Heartburn almost daily! It has replaced the nausea and comes on full throttle at times. I can't say that I help it too much, because I insist upon eating hot wings, hot things, and hot everythings. I bring it on myself, but in all fairness, sometimes I eat like a perfect little preggo and then, it resurrects itself...like a friggin' stealth bomber!
Mood: we have a bit of some stuff (I guess you could say?) going on at work, so I've been stressed...not moody, or angered, or bothered...just stressed! While breaks are more than welcomed, it is still always tough winding down the kids and assignments and getting yourself prepared for AFTER the break!
Also, I'm not loving some of the comments that people find appropriate to say to me just because I am pregnant. I mean, I'm no dummy, I DO realize that I am taking up quite a bit more space than usual and have put on quite the number of L-Bs, and I do realize that this an obvious weight gain going on here, but seriously folks? I had someone this past week (not to mention names or location) march up to me and tell me how she "can't believe how absolutely HUGE I'm getting"
Um, thanks???
And um....RUDE.
I don't find it necessary to comment on people's obvious weight gain or muffin tops...or coincidentally, someone's stomach that is bigger than mine and I am 5 months pregnant... What's HER excuse?!? I may be pregnant, but I am still a human being and I still deserve some common decency. I know it is about the pregnancy, but come on here people,...I am still sensitive, and I STILL find that comment along the negative lines and definitely below the belt. Shame on you, person! Well, actually, double especially shame on you because you were a WOMAN offender... and well, you should be ashamed of yourself!!! You never know which woman used to have eating issues...or a lack thereof...(as I used to) so I think I speak for all women when I say...GET YOURSELF COLLECTED and learn the rules of womanhood. Thanks.
While I appreciate Jack having his presence be known and I wished for so long to start showing, I did not ask for someone to comment basically on how fat I am and take it upon herself to let me know that. Excuse me, judgey wudgey. People need to remember that there's a sensitive Momma WITH that precious little man and pregnancy weight gain is not open grounds for the fat jokes, or else I'll unleash the wrath of Abby and those of you reading, definitely know that that line is a fiery fury in which many offenders of the past wish they did not cross. I can be one mean bia...and pregnancy hormones on top of that? Ooooo...could get ugly. Best moment this week: You mean besides being called a fatty? haha, I kid, I kid...but seriously, the best moment this week was getting so. many. pictures. of little man! I love every single tiny ounce of his preciousness! I cannot wait until he gets here and I can kiss and hug and love on him until he's sick of me! Also, it was FINALLY feeling a few flutters down there...kick, baby, kick! Momma wants you make a dent! Bahaha. Also, I had a student give me the most wonderful owl and I decided to hang him up outside my classroom door. I named him, Mortimer. So here's to you, Jackman...your momma is the "Crazy Owl Lady" around school. I'm so proud.
Here's Mortimer! |
Movement: a few little flutters...probably not even certifiably a decent kick to my ever expanding abdomen, but I felt a little something and I am content with that! I know that it will still be a few weeks until I feel him because we found out at my last appointment that my placenta is in front of Jack, so it serves as a pillow and a barrier between he and the outside world. Poor little man, just because he's back there all cozy, doesn't mean he isn't the center of our world! "Nobody puts Jack in a corner". Lame, yes, I know. Slap happy? Possibly. Mommy obsessed with her child? Absolutely.
Food cravings/aversions: Buffalo wings, yo!
What I miss/What I am looking forward to: Christmas is 19 days from today! And coincidentally, my birthday is ONE MONTH from today...plan accordingly. It's going to be tough topping the best. gift. ever. You know this. And winter break from school is only 8 school days. I think I can, I think I can....
I am missing lunch meat this week...and SUSHI. I cannot wait to indulge in BOTH! Like, immediately after birth? Thanks.
Milestones: Jack has working taste buds this week...little buddy is probably hating all of Mommy's choice of foods...or loving them? Friend or foe, there Jack? Well, he'll be the judge. He's also gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid now...grow Baby, grow! He's not only swallowing for hydration and nutrition, he's swallowing to practice the skill of swallowing and digestion. Hopefully, he's liking everything I'm getting in there...I would assume so, seeing as how not too much is coming back up these days...it's only a once or twice weekly event....sidenote, I guess I should remember those foods :)
Belly button in or out: in, but ever expanding scars are really freaking me out! Dang gallbladder and hernias...why'd you have to frizz out on me?
Thanks for catching up with us!
Love you!!!
I had an old lady walk in my office at the bank one day and say, "Well you just look nice and chubby!" and never missed a beat! Everyone in the (jam-packed) lobby turned to look in my office and waited for my response. Of course, I was completely caught off guard and was at a loss for words, but once I regained my composure, I sure let her know that I was pregnant and I thought her comment was extremely rude! And then I think I went home and had an Oreo Blizzard for dinner that night hahaha! :)