He's chewing, drooling, gnawing, and slobbering on EVERYTHING he can get within his reach - he's a literal human puppy. So now, he's at times a wee-bit moody, slightly temperamental, teething little buddy who's just having the grumpies in his gummies... it's terribly sad :( Yes folks, the dreaded teething process. Yet, ours has lasted for months... uuuuuuf course. Stubborn little shits. Yup, I said it. This momma is pissed at these little buds of calcium and guess what? They're gonna hear about it and they're gonna like it. I HATE to see my boy go through any bit of discomfort, and goodness has he ever lately. We don't have any of them making their grand reveal yet, but you KNOW something's up with him when he's even a bit cranky or there's changes in his sleep schedule...and lemme tell ya, he's most definitely had THOSE. Ugh!
To sidestep for a moment and elaborate on that last point, Jack's been an EXCELLENT sleeper since he was about 2 1/2 months old. He sleeps through the night, every night...loves bedtime, and gets at least 12 hours, if not more. In the past couple of weeks, our new normal is: every night, he's been hard to get down, wakes up at least once before B and I go to bed, and he has also starting waking up around 5 in the morning, will go back to sleep after I go in for a minute and then he will be up again at 6 or 6:30, ready for the day. No bueno. Daddy and I get ready at 6:30 for work so it's tough to interact and comfort an uncomfortable little cutie who just wants his Mommy when we're trying to get ready ourselves. Some nights, he's even up multiple times and we give him Tylenol or ibuprofen, some teething tablets, and then I rock him and he goes back to sleep. But then he's up, restless, and moving all around at times throughout the night. Also, since he's now pulling up, he's discovered that standing up in his crib and screaming will get Mommy's attention faster than just laying there and whining. Throw croup up in there, an ear infection, a constant dripping nose, and we've got one hell of a party.
Yeah, this past month has been a doozie. Like I said...rough patch. Poor babe.
Anyway, these little stinkers are taking literal eons to come in! Thus, I've determined that his teeth must be the spawn of Satan or something equally as unsettling and troubling. They are what nightmares are made of for this kid and his sleep deprived parents mother. They're literally giving us a run for our money. Don't get me wrong, he's not a totally changed kid...not at all actually. He's still super smiley, super happy, and super duper, but he IS having more moody and grumpy times than he ever has before...very atypical for him. Poor buddy is well on his way to the latter part of a year old and still NO teeth. Yet, his gums are super swollen and he chews on everything - NOTE, last night, he ganked a picture off the fridge of his bestie, Holden, starting gnawing on it in typical fashion and before we knew it, Mommy was performing finger surgery, dislodging the large wad of paper stuck to the back of his throat. Yes...like I said and what I MUST reiterate is this kid is having a bit of a rough patch. Is he going to be the first child to go to Kindergarten without teeth?!? Ahhh!
I just needed to vent for a moment. Sorry to be a negative Nancy. It must be said again that he's still the happiest kid ever...he just has a crank time or two each day as opposed to maybe just a few in a week. I want these damned things to pop through and him to be out of any discomfort and us all back to good. Is this the new normal with each round of getting teeth over the next couple of years? Is this a baby version of the teenage years, or is that reserved for temper tantrums? I call FOUL on you, baby teeth! Shame on you for making my baby hurt!
On a lighter note (and to prove he's still our happy little buddy), here are many a pics of our smiling, little teething cutie:
Jack's first Christmas ornament!
Jack's mantra too :) |
Elise loves looking at your photos of Jack!