Stats - Jack Robert Thomas - 4 months
Weight: 13lbs. 7 oz. (25 percentile)
Height: 25in. (50th percentile)
Head: 42cm (50th percentile)

Our guy handled the doctor and his shots like a champ! He was laughing, and cooing, and babbling, and flirting up a storm with all the ladies. Everyone was talking about what a little social fella we have and boy do I love that! He was really working up the charm. When he got his shots, he let out a yelp, then laughed, and then didn't know whether to laugh or was precious, per usual! We found out that he's a long, lean, smilin' (which we knew this, already) machine and all we heard is how beautiful, perfect, healthy, and right on track he to our ears! And guess who gets to start big boy food?!!!? Watch your back folks, little Jackie is moving. on. up.
LIKES/ DISLIKES: looooooooves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but dislikes most other Disney Channel shows; loooooooves any type of thing that rattles, lights-up, or makes noises; likes to smile, laugh, and make noises himself; likes being on his back now if someone is sitting and interacting with him; likes to sleep AND eat; loves his rings, monkey, and owl hanging on his car-seat; dislikes having hiccups, but they are becoming less and less frequent; likes baths and doesn't even care if we spray him square in the face with the water; likes looking at "the baby" in camera phones or mirrors; loves hamming it up and flirting with everyone; loves being fussed over; dislikes if attention is not on him; love, love, looooooves sucking his thumb (eek!). To be honest, there's not too much he actually dislikes as he is pretty go with the flow and adaptable to most situations! (LOVE!)
"I'm gonna get you, Harvey..." |
FIRSTS: staying overnight with Mamaw and Papaw while Mommy and Daddy were out of town at a wedding; staying overnight AT Nanny and Poppy's; playing and standing up in his exersaucer; holding and shaking toys himself; hanging out by the pool, under the umbrella in his chair; everything going in the mouth.
CLOTHES: can still fit in several of his 0-3months outfits, but can also wear almost all of his 3-6 months clothes too. It is mind boggling now to look at these outfits fitting him that I once thought looked enormous AND putting away a bunch of other clothes that are too small. Our boy is growing, y'all!
DIAPERS: size 1, Huggies
we now see what he gets from me...the talkies. I see many a "talkative" comments in the conduct department in our future :) |
MOVEMENT: rolling, rolling, rolling over! Also, it is crazy, but when he's on his stomach, he is quite the scooting machine! B is insistent upon this as crawling, but we are a bit away from that!
"I warned you..." |
TRICKS: Jackman ooos, coos, and "talks" all. the. time...LOVE! His hand-eye coordination is really developing as he responds to things in front of him, grabs them, and then E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. GOES. IN. THE. MOUTH. He also holds his head up quite well and is pushing down with his legs and standing and bouncing if you hold your arms under his. It is so, so neat to watch him discover things in the world around him and play with, interact with, respond to, bat, and swing at toys!
PERSONALITY: He is such a little sweetie and laughs and giggles and smiles all. the. time which we love of course! His laugh is hands down, THE MOST mellifluous sound to our ears. He is so, so happy and such a ball of sunshine and hams it up for everyone. If you smile at him, he'll smile at you...just the other day I was in Wal-Mart and random people were looking at him and he was just a flirtin' away!
someone does NOT fancy Mommy's camera flash... |
SLEEPING: Holy moly, has this kid got it D.O.W.N, DOWN, DOOOOWWN!!! His bedtime is anywhere between 7-8PM and I say "between" because he will let you know if he's not gonna make it until 8. Then, he wakes up between 7:30 and 8:30a.m. Yes, you heard me correctly...little buddy is quite the sleeper!! YAAAAY! Sometimes (about 1 or 2 days a week), he'll even go right back to sleep after he wakes up until around 10ish when I HAVE TO WAKE HIM UP.
"Mommy, this is getting old...I'll just watch my fan instead" |
SCHEDULE: Jack has kind of fine-tuned his own perfect version of a schedule for him. It is crazy that a little 4 month old can get himself adjusted accordingly and proceeds to sleep through the night. I mean, crrr-aaaaa-AAAAAA-zzzzzzzyyyy! Most days, he wakes up around 8 and then we have an eat, play, sleep 3-hour rotation schedule from then. Um yea, little buddy adjusted himself to that...(ya know, what we were frantically trying to stick to way back when?)...on. his. own. SERIOUSLY. Love.
NICKNAMES: Toots, Bubby-Wubby (or just Bubby), Wubby Wooster, Baby Jack, Jackman, J-man, Jackrabbit, Cookie Monster
apparently, it's a rough life being 4 months old |
FUN FACTS: Baby Jack still sends a picture text message every single day to his Mamaw. It has become part of our daily routine to wake up, eat, and then take a pic to send to Mamaw! Jackman's hair still seems to be falling out and is much, MUCH lighter than it originally was. Are we gonna have a blondie?!? Time will soon tell, I suppose. His eyes are getting lighter and lighter from dark blue. He certainly knows who people are in his life and we love seeing him responding upon recognizing us. Last week, we started a new tradition of "face-timing" with the Morel's (Aunt Sis, Uncle Joe, and Cousins Spence-a-roo and JilliBean). Finally, Jack has several different laughs, but one of them is my absolute FAVORITE: it kinda sounds like a little old lady who has smoked for a long time...random and weird, yes...but it just sounds so funny to hear it come out of this cute little Toot!
**Daddy's 30th birthday - (August 5th)
**Our first trip to Mamaw and Papaw's in Indy (August 10th, 11th, 12th)
**Mamaw's birthday (August 13th)
**Aunt Priss officially becomes a SENIOR in high school...holy Toledo! (August 9th)
**day we found out about having a little Toots (August 14th)
**Cousin Shawnee's first day of 1st grade (August 15th)
**Mommy possibly? going back to school (August 15th)
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