...is 14 weeks old tomorrow
...is an equal opportunity "finger suckerer" - it gets poked by all fingers pretty much every day because the little boy underneath it can't seem to pick a favorite to stick with
...inspires me to "keep the faith" even when I feel all hope is gone (truth be told, this job situation [or lack thereof] is really trying, but most of all, it's beyond incredibly defeating. I get overwhelmingly, wholeheartedly discouraged and at the times where I feel worthless, rejected, and unwanted, I am reminded by THIS very face, that I am none of those things to him).
...inspires persistence and dedication
...is why I get up in the mornings
...is the cutest face I've ever seen. Seriously.
...represents the greatest gift I've ever been given
...has made and continues to make me a better woman, wife, daughter, and friend
...challenges me more than I've ever been before
...is my constant companion...everywhere we go...and I. L.O.V.E. I.T.
...is the light of his Mommy and Daddy's world
...shows that anything is possible
...prefers the ladies
...is a flirt
...is so humbling
...LOVES his mama
...LOVES his daddy
...is worth every single worry we had during the pregnancy
...is stubborn (like his Mommy AND Daddy...however, Daddy will say it's only Mommy that is but we all know that he's WRONG)
...tests my patience. Daily.
...can be so, sooooo frustrating, yet so wonderful at. the. same. time. How is that possible?!?
...makes me an even bigger worry-wart than I was before it was here
...makes me nervous some "little floozy" is going to make it cry some day
...makes me want to hold it and love it and protect it FOREVER
...is grumpy when it wakes up
...brings out the best in me
...represents all the good that I have to give
...looks just like his Daddy...BUT...
...also looks like my dad at some points (in some pictures, mind you)
...represents an indescribable love
...represents happiness
...represents fulfillment
...represents the idea that dreams really do come true
...changes every day
...is the face of a boy who rolls over
...kept his eyes closed (asleep) for over 11 hours straight last night
...sleeps mostly through the night [almost] every night
...has about a two hour "awake time" before he needs a rest again
...has eyelashes for days
...is a lover not fighter
...is the best accomplishment of my life
...has made me more cognizant of my actions and the role model I wish to be
...has made me more responsible
...makes me realize that there are people in your life who once mattered, but don't anymore...and that's okay.
...encourages me to "let things go"
...makes me more mature
...is the best job I've EVER had
...is one in which I would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for to see it smiling
...has the most warming and rewarding smile I've ever seen...it ILLUMINATES and RADIATES!
...lets out the most contagious giggles
...makes every day a good day
...is missed the minute I'm not around it
...is the face of a boy who sticks out his little bottom lip when he's sad and/ or upset
...takes a picture every. single. day. to send to his Mamaw so she can see him grow and change with time
...represents that I. AM. A. MOTHER. The only thing I've ever truly known that I want to be
...is loved with the greatest love I've ever been capable of giving and then some.
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