Definitely NOT preggo here (Summer 2011):

B's Birthday (we were pregnant here - didn't know it until about a week and a half after this!):

This is the day BEFORE we found out (August 13, 2011):

This is the day AFTER we found out (August 15, 2011):

Pregnancy Announcement Photos (I was almost 8 weeks here at Aunt LuLu's wedding)
10 weeks:
11 weeks:

12 weeks:
13 weeks:
14 weeks:

15 weeks:

16 weeks:

17 weeks:
18 weeks:

19 weeks (Thanksgiving 2011):

20 weeks:

21 weeks:
22 weeks:
23 weeks (Christmas 2011):
24 weeks (New Year's 2012/ My 28th Birthday):
25 weeks:
26 weeks:
29 weeks:

30-31 weeks/ currently (Poppy's Birthday/ Valentine's Day):
WOWZAAAAAAAAAA how my body has chaaa-aaa--aaanged! Eeeeeeek! I am not complaining because all of this excessive fattiness is worth it for my sweet boy, but dang, my self-confidence is shot to you know what, yo! It is so amazing what a woman's body goes through in preparation for a baby and it's all evidence of a precious blessing to come. It's been an absolutely AMAZING journey and we are beyond overjoyed to be welcoming a son and cannot wait to meet him in less than 9 short weeks. So, as much as Mommy may hate the scale numbers, Sweet Baby, keep on growing!
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