Now that Baby T has officially made his/ her presence known to the world (via proof in my ever growing tummy bump), I have been thinking constantly about things to get done and things I hope to get done in less than 180 days. Not that it wasn't all baby all the time from the moment we found out, but it now seems that everything seems to circle around to one important little friend in all that we do.
Thus, I have been thinking about the Baby's nursery...a lot. It is going to be in the room across from our bedroom, which currently serves as our office and Brad's man cave because it is where his PlayStation is, AND where his clothes are located (yes, I have claimed ownership to every other closet in this was already giving a lot to give up the office space too!).
Anyway, we first have to decide where to move our large desk and his dresser in the office... not to mention, the flat screen, B's PlayStation, the technology setup, and our extensive DVD collection that I refuse to house anywhere else because I believe it to be an "eyesore" (we're rounding out our's probably time to continue hiding them in a still accessible fashion). Our guest bedroom houses our antique cherry 4-post bed and my Nana's 250+ year old fainting couch (it is truly beautiful...dates back to when Lincoln was in office..ahhh!!!) so there isn't too much breathing room to house extra furniture in there too. Our bedroom is large, but we have a "sitting" area that is an upstairs living no room there either! What to do, what to do?!? There are many decisions to be made here, people!
One thing I do know for certain is: this baby is going to be surrounded by love however his/ her room is set up. I have been thinking about meaningful things to go in the baby's room and as everyone knows, I do love my pictures. I know that I definitely do NOT want to flood this poor child's room with pictures galore, so I want to incorporate something that has true roots. Then, it hit me. One of my favorite pictures I have ever seen is one of my Daddy and me on my first day home from the hospital. It is such a beautiful, tender moment shared between a father and his daughter...just looking at it now brings me to tears; my father is the first man to ever love and adore me for being me. He has always had my best interest at heart and has been my idol and my role-model who taught me how to exist with dignity, strength, honor, confidence, compassion, humility, and humor since the day I was born...why would I NOT want my child to feel the same way about his/her father? And what a truly magnificent way to display and honor that relationship and strong bond we share!
I went to find that picture and do you know what I found? I found a picture of Brad and his father in the exact same pose, on the exact same day of age as mine! Thus, in our child's room, I plan to hang these to pictures with an empty frame in the middle, ready to be filled with a replicated picture of Baby T and Brad...what a symbolic treasure and tradition to uphold with our child! Love is powerful and our bonds can never be broken. These pictures speak volumes about the love shared between our two families. This Baby will undoubtedly be loved!
January 8, 1984 |
August, 1982 |
NOW...onto some silly "Baby on the Brain" moments...
On a lighter and MUCH less meaningful note, I am going to fill you in on something I did yesterday. I am already a bit absent-minded about a lot of things (don't judge, people...and yes, I know several of you are definitely smirking at my admittance of this quality I typically deny right now), but yesterday, I took it to a whole new level. I slept in and then got up, ready to run my errands of the Saturday morning routine: stores, grocery, blah, blah, blah. I was there at the grocery for quite a while too, mind you. As I was checking out, B called and asked me to bring him home some lunch, so I headed to grab him and me something before venturing home. When I pulled into the garage and got out of the car, B met me at the door. I thought he was just saying hello since he had to be at the branch for the morning and asked me if I wanted to grab my stuff first. I looked at him, puzzled, with the bag of food in my hand..."what else should I go ahead and get?" I asked. "Ummm...the GROCERIES?!?" he replied. I still had no clue what he was talking about until he went and popped my trunk. Yes friends, I forgot I went to the GROCERY. I definitely had Baby Brain yesterday. Wow.
And finally, B and I went to a Halloween party last night at our friends, Jason and Christie's house. B. Thomas is not much for costumes and hasn't dressed up since Halloween 2003, so I thought I'd basically have to resort to everything but "drugging" him to get something on that whiny little turdbomber. Surprisingly though, he didn't require too much convincing on my part (I may or may not have resorted to playing the Baby card on him) and we went dressed as bacon and eggs. Here are some pictures from our night! We hope you have a "SPOOKTACULAR" Halloween, everyone!
PS, these are most definitely not the best quality of pictures as they are taken from my phone, so I am terribly sorry!
The "Bun in the Oven" costume was not mine, a friend of Christie's (who is also pregnant), let me borrow it for some fun with pictures! |
The Bun Maker with his bun in the oven! |
the bun in the oven with its makers |
Guess who has a "bun in the oven"?!? Time Remaining: 176 days! |
Bacon and Egg! |
Wakey, wakey...we're eggs and bakey! |
it's hard to have eggs without bacon :) |
such a scrumptious combo |
the egg with "Jessica Rabbit" |
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