Okay, okay...so yes, I have been incredibly neglectful of my blogger duties and responsibilities and I am terribly sorry, but you must know why; it's been a B-U-S-Y week! HA! You've heard that before, right?!? Well this week, it's true and quite frankly, it's quite an understatement. Parent-Teacher conferences have taken over at school this week and I have been logging 12 hour days with getting in allllll of my conferences. We cannot give report cards out without a face-to-face conference with a parent and no, we do not get a day off to get all of the conferences in! PLUS, we are preparing for an OVERNIGHT field trip with our kiddos...yes, overnight. I am exhausted just thinking about it! It will be such a wonderful experience for all of our kids AND, SO. MUCH. FUN!
Anyway...NOW onto news about our precious blessing!!!
Yes, I'm pushing out a bit there and am emphasizing under the bump to round and accentuate, but still...HERE IS BABY! |
I am OFFICIALLY in the 2nd trimester...praise the good man upstairs! Not that I am wishing away my pregnancy, because I am absolutely loving every last minute of it, but I am happy to begin reclaiming my MUCH needed energy and holding onto my dinners...Baby needs those! Speaking of Baby, have you SEEN my tummy? I mean, wowza...hellllllloooooo baby! It's like I all of a sudden just popped out! People at school and everyone I've seen seem to agree that yup, herrrrrre's BABY!!
How I'm feeling...
I'm feeling GREAT and nowhere near as nauseas as I was! I'm regaining some energy despite working so, so much over the past couple of weeks too.. I literally saw B for like an hour the other night :( Boooooo. I have 2 pregnancy symptoms, though, that I thought were incredibly strange but have come to find out aren't that strange at all... One, is my sore mouth. My gums reeeaaally hurt and crunchy foods really aggravate the roof of my mouth. I've read in almost every pregnancy website I follow or app I have on my phone that that symptom is 100% normal. Weird.
Second of all, I also am so. so. sooooo stopped up, but cannot really blow my nose and only have drainage when I wake up in the mornings. Apparently, around this stage of pregnancy, you get what's called, "Pregnancy congestion" your glands and mucous membranes of the nose begin to swell from all of the pregnancy hormones circulating in your body, which are also increasing blow flow there. Huh, weird again!!! I'm okay with it, because I am fine...my only complaint is that breathing through my mouth for 75% of days is making my lips so chapped. Blistex is my best friend.
Cravings/ Aversions
E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Literally. Seriously...I hit the 2nd trimester and it's like my nausea lifted instantaneously and now I'm hungry for everything. I am honestly NEVER full...which is an incredibly bad and dangerous thing. I do NOT want to blow up more than I have to! I always still want cereal though, and pizza now seems to be a crave...as well as seafood, which is again, dangerous when consuming too much. The one thing I actually have not been wanting lately that is completely unlike me, is ice cream...and I LOVE ice cream as I am a firm believer that it most definitely constitutes as a meal! It's also incredibly sad that I haven't been craving it too much because I have a giftcard to the Holy Grail (Orange Leaf), but haven't felt much like going. Hmmm...come to think of it though... ;)
Delightful! I have more energy than before and am not always feeling sick at night time! Now, if it could just be Thanksgiving Break... tee-hee!
Baby is one growing little nugget! He/ she is being so much nicer to Mommy's tummy :) Baby is about 4.5 to 5 inches long which is the size (by different standards) of a lemon or a large naval orange, but only weighs in at a bit over 2 ounces...wowza, tiny little thing!
This week's big developments: baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his/ her thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, baby's facial muscles are getting a workout as tiny features form one expression after another. Also, he/ she can grasp now too, and I might be able to see Baby sucking his/ her precious little thumb on my ultrasound next week!!!
Baby is also holding his/her own daily aerobics classes in there by kicking, curling toes, and moving those little arms and legs. By now, the ears are positioned properly on the sides of his/ her head and the eyes are moving from the side of the head to the front of the face. No more alien-looking kiddo is what it sounds like to me!
Coming up...
We have our next visit with the doctor on Wednesday, the 2nd and fingers crossed, we are getting an early sneak peek to see if we can see if Baby T will be donning pink or blue!!! I am not getting my hopes up by that because I know it is incredibly early, BUT I am still so excited to even get to see our precious sweetpea! Also, my mom (Baby's grandmother, "Nanny"), Brad, and Cathryn (Baby's "Aunt" Prissy) are going too so it should be such a special, fun moment for us all. I am quite saddened, though, that Baby's other grandmother, Mamaw (B's mom and my MIL, Melva) is now not able to go :( I was so excited that both grandmothers would be there for such a wonderful experience, but at least she'll be able to come down for some other ultrasounds. We'll sure miss you though, Mamaw!!!
HALLOWEEN IS COMING UP... Hope you have a tremendous time!! B and I are heading to a Halloween party tomorrow at our friend's house, The Poiles', and I am super pumped to get him into a costume for the first time in SEVERAL years!! Did you see my pumpkin I painted?!!?
Thanks for reading and keeping up with us!